Your inspection report will be easy to read and easy to understand. Your report will be emailed within 24 hours of the home inspection. ​Click below to read a sample inspection report.
$w.onReady(function () {
// Select all links with the data-testid="linkElement"
const buttons = $w('a'); // Select all anchor tags
buttons.forEach((button) => {
// Check if the aria-label or innerText is "Schedule Now"
if (button.getAttribute('aria-label') === 'Schedule Now' || button.label === 'Schedule Now') {
// Attach an event handler for the click
button.onClick(() => {
gtag('event', 'schedule_tool_click', {
'link_url': button.href, // Capture the link URL dynamically
'button_text': 'Schedule Now' // Capture the button text